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■10642585  PSIUOOJsQqT 
□投稿者/ Bonser -(2018/04/29(Sun) 20:28:28) [ID:o1YwvxMY]

Which year are you in? spring of life daily energy gnc As you already know from my previous post on Friday, I was invited to visit the Queens Coronation Exhibition which took place inside the Queens lovely home, Buckingham Palace. I was invited as press as the exhibition wasn&#8217;t yet open to the public and I got an amazing tour of the Queens home in the process. My boyfriend and I (along with other press) had to go through airport style security before being allowed to enter Buckingham Palace (which I am glad they have as it helps keep it very well protected). We also had to go through the normal guidelines and etiquette, which meant we weren&#8217;t able to take photos in most of the palace, only within the room of the exhibition, for security purposes. I fully understand this as I know how photos can be used in a criminal way, so that&#8217;s fine. I was sad that I couldn&#8217;t take photos though because Buckingham Palace is incredible! There are so many amazing rooms that look so royal and posh, it&#8217;s really one of the most beautiful homes I have ever had the pleasure of being inside.
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