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□投稿者/ Mishel -(2016/10/09(Sun) 13:30:12) [ID:kMM49nxW]

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□投稿者/ Eliseo -(2016/10/09(Sun) 13:30:19) [ID:gbkZ2jBr]

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But Turner pushed his goal wide of the posts and although the usually dependable Sinfield then hammered his kick-off straight into touch, allowing Wilkin to position himself for a drop-goal attempt, his effort was sliced to the right of the sticks. chlamydia zithromax 2g I made my Liverpool debut at the age of 22 and was undoubtedly assisted in my progress by the quality of those around me, but I also had the ability to force my way into such a side due to my development as a youngster, playing football at every opportunity because in those days we didn&rsquo;t feel as though we had much else to do.


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□投稿者/ Erwin -(2016/10/09(Sun) 13:30:37) [ID:gbkZ2jBr]

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