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■10639107  sjsXVemgvJAG 
□投稿者/ Jada -(2018/04/29(Sun) 11:14:47) [ID:lnRA6eNf]

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I have tried to get better at taking compliments &ndash; a male friend of mine once told me it&rsquo;s mortifying when you say something nice to a woman and she basically tells you you&rsquo;re stupid for saying it and you should shut up and not say anything nice again. I also try to give more compliments, and have found it annoying when they can&rsquo;t be taken properly. My advice ladies, is to issue a simple &ldquo;thank you&rdquo;, with perhaps a little factual detail to cover the awkwardness. You, along the lines of: &ldquo;Your lipstick&rsquo;s nice,&rdquo; reply: &ldquo;Thank you, I stole it from a hooker when she was asleep&rdquo; &ndash; that sort of thing.

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